Gramin HealthCare

MLC Voyager | Created by Paridyam Healthcare Pvt Ltd.

Gramin Health Care (GHC) works exclusively towards providing and strengthening primary healthcare services to the last mile of Rural India through our physical presence in form of Primary Clinics, Polyclinics and Pharmacies. Our services also include and 24 X 7 Doctor Consultation, E-prescription and doorstep delivery of medicines.


400,000 Lives Impacted

Our vision statement's most prominent line is to cure the problem of affordability. Health is something which becomes an non negotiable subject for each individual and so is healthcare, which is supposed to be accessible and affordable.

Our target audience are the people of Rural India who are being deprived of the basic healthcare facilities. We have created our business process in an manner that caters to both problem of accessibility and affordability.

Our services like 24/7 doctor consultation is free for people who have taken gramin's membership and is available at a very minimal price for non-member people. Gramin offers and healthcard worth Rs 20, which has tremendous benefits including one year free doctor consultation and prescription for 4 members of the family, free home delivery of prescribed medicines, timely follow-ups and responses are recored in our databases for further references.

Our physical presence has affected millions of people till date and still counting. Primary Clinics offers free diagnosis of the patient coming to the clinic. Multiple Health camps have been setup to spread awareness and educate people and help them in Bulk.

The Innovation

Gramin Health Care (GHC) is India’s first and prominent health care system that aims to provide medical and healthcare facilities and services to last mile of the country. GHC,started in 2016 is currently one of the largest primary Health care company in Rural India. A 24/7 medical consultation has made GHC a sustainable and reliable health care model all across the nation. Our Ray of Reach has been expanded by our Gramin Franchise Model, through which we host the never ending problem of quality medicines at defined and affordable prices, where we create a process based system with the help of technology to deliver best of Gramin Franchise’s Products and Services.We believe that any healthcare model should go beyond an episode-based aid to creating a continuum of care. Taking best from the technology, GHC today caters to more than 100 villages with its physical presence through polyclinics, pharmacies and Primary Clinics.. GHC has created an ecosystem which links well educated and professional doctors and nurses, and collaborations with various renowned partners, with a goal to serve and reach to less privileged fellow citizens of the country.

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Implemented in

6 States across India, including, Uttar Pradesh, Maharastra, West Bengal, Haryana, Meghalaya, Gujarat.

Get in touch

Sonia Vohra, Chief Operating Officer

About Paridyam Healthcare

Paridyam Healthcare was started with a vision to provide primary healthcare facilities and reach to each and every individual residing in Rural or Remote India, who are being deprived of basic healthcare amenities. A never ending ray to serve the underserved has brought paridyam till here and yet the massive making in process.

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Village Enterprise Graduation Model


Healthy Village